ImportQIF questions & answers

The purpose of ImportQIF is to add the account name and type to a QIF file
Question by Rick
June 30, 2022

If I export a QIF file FROM a Quicken QDF file, such as an earlier annual file that contains investment history will it handle multiple accounts? I have years of annual QDF files that I would love to re-combine into a single QDF archive.

Pooja Bajaj
Answer by Pooja Bajaj

Yes, ImportQIF can handle a QIF file with data for more than one account. However, it is recommended to separate the accounts into separate files for better organization and to avoid any discrepancies. When importing a QIF file from a Quicken QDF file, ImportQIF should be able to handle multiple accounts as long as the file is properly formatted.

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Alternative downloads


Allows you to convert CSV, Excel and other spreadsheet files to QIF format.

AlauxSoft Accounts and Budget

A simple accounting software that gives you the tools to manage your accounts.


Convert CSV to OFX and import into MS Money, Sage One, Xero, etc.